In this installment of Manta Law’s Family Law Appellate Blog, the Second District Court of Appeal reversed and remanded for the trial court to make findings regarding what portion of the former wife’s pension should be classified as a marital asset. The case is Pearson v. Pearson, Case No. 2D17-4012 (filed March 22, 2019).
Court Proceeding
The former wife testified that she began
to contribute to her retirement fund when she became a teacher in 2011. She was
placed on administrative…
Manta Law Founder Attends Judicial Luncheon Janelle A. Weber, founder of Manta Law, recently attended a judicial luncheon hosted by the St. Petersburg Bar Association. Ms. Weber and several other area attorneys joined Judge Amy Williams at the St. Petersburg Judicial Building on March 13, 2019. Judge Williams spoke about her judicial preferences and gave the attorneys information about practicing in the Sixth Judicial Circuit. Ms. Weber practices commercial, intellectual property, and consumer finance litigation in state and federal court…
Manta Law Founder Teaches Kids About First Amendment Janelle A. Weber, founder of Manta Law, recently spoke to Tampa middle school students about the importance of the First Amendment. Ms. Weber volunteered her time as part of the Hillsborough County Bar Association’s celebration of Law Week. Ms. Weber and her co-presenter spoke to a civics class at Sulphur Springs Community School on March 12, 2019. “It was so much fun interacting with the students and answering their questions about law…
Miscalculation of Child Support Owed by Active Duty Military Parent In this week’s family law appellate blog, the First District Court of Appeal reversed the trial court for miscalculating the child support owed by a father who is on active duty in the United States Army. The case is Knapp v. Knapp, Case No. 1D17-2869 (filed Feb. 28, 2019). Child Support Error In the trial court, the father testified that he is guaranteed only 30 days of leave per calendar year…
Are You Safe Presents Janelle Weber with Award for Pro Bono Service
Alimony Must Be Based on Net (Not Gross) Income The family law appellate opinion I’m blogging about this week touches on a number of different subjects: alimony, child support, and non-marital assets. The case, Julia v. Julia, comes to us from the Fourth District Court of Appeal (filed Jan. 16, 2019). The appellant obtained reversal of multiple parts of the trial court’s order. Permanent Alimony Finding The former husband argued that the trial court failed to make the finding required under…
Pension May Be a Marital Asset Depending on Timing Is a pension a marital asset subject to equitable distribution? It depends on when it was acquired. In the case I’m discussing this week, the Second District Court of Appeal reversed and remanded for the trial court to make findings regarding what portion of the former wife’s pension should be classified as a marital asset. The case is Pearson v. Pearson, Case No. 2D17-4012 (filed March 22, 2019). Trial Court Proceeding The…
Manta Law Founder Speaks about Protecting Your Reputation Janelle A. Weber, founder of the Law Office of Janelle A. Weber, P.A., presented “Managing Your Online Reputation” on November 8, 2018. Ms. Weber and her co-presenters gave the talk at the C. H. Ferguson M. E. White American Inn of Court meeting at the Chester H. Ferguson Law Center in downtown Tampa. The presentation provided helpful tips to attorneys interested in managing their online reputation. Ms. Weber discussed the Florida Bar…